Monday, February 8, 2016

Wasted Time

A little while back a local band approached me about a "symbol" that they wanted designed. I got all the info and thoughts on what they wanted this thing to look like. The next several days were spent pencil drawing rough designs. After what seemed like one hundred sketches I finally came up with something that would be amazing. I called the bands front man and ran my idea past him. He loved it! So I started to put it into the computer. Thirteen hours I worked on this symbol and finished what I thought was a perfect depiction of the band and their meaning. I sent them the design, watermarked of course, and waited for their response. They loved it!!! I wrote up the invoice and sent it their way. NOTHING. I got nothing. I waited a week without any communication before I tried contacting the band to see about payment. No returned phone calls, texts, emails, nothing. To this day I still have not heard a thing. Thirteen hours of design plus countless hours of sketches waisted. This experience alone it's what made up my mind to require a deposit on large projects. FYI, the design is up for grabs!!

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